"...because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles..."

Saturday, December 19, 2009

This one is for Andy...

My Dream: 12-6-09
Well, following in the line of nightmares, for about the 3rd night in a row, I am now a mother. But no ordinary mother, I am Padme Amidala from Star Wars married to Anikan Skywalker. Who is now turning to the dark side. But of course, it is set in modernity. My first child has been born- she is beautiful, around 3 years old, and I think I named her Amy. I am pregnant with my second child. There are a few complications and I am planning a home birth. It is Thanksgiving, and I am going into labor. All my family is gathered at the house to eat. My husband (respectively Hayden Christensen in Star Wars garb) is by my side holding my hand as I go into labor. I have my baby... apparently... and sometime during the process, my husband shot a man in the study. What is this? Clue, Star Wars, Thanksgiving nightmare? Anyway, I knew it was him though it would take hours for the police to prove it. But, while he is not looking, so he cannot kill my children, I send my brand new healthy baby ahead of me to Kansas City with my other girl Amy. They will have to wait for me at the helipad for a couple of hours. Yes I sent them in a helicopter obviously. My mom (who is walking around and coordinating our escape) and I take a ferry up to KC. It will either arrive in 12 hours or 1 hour and 47 minutes. On the way, I ask a nearby amusement park to cause a distraction. So they put on a really big show with a bunch of Hawaiian people dancing on a mountain with flowers and Panda bears so we can get away safely. I remember watching the production thinking I could never have enough nerve to dance on the ledge of a mountain... in a grass skirt on flowers. Back to my kids. I am freaking out the whole time even though I'm often out of body. I am crying and asking my mom if everything is going to be okay. I just want my baby, I need to know she's okay and that she won't die. She's so small, she needs her mom. Amy will be so afraid. I need to be there, I'm their mother. I have to make it there right now.

Then I woke up.

Again, ridiculous.

I've got to quit being stressed.

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